Brien Lasse, CFP®, CKA®, RLP®


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About Brien


LifeGuide Financial Advisors


I’m Brien Lasse, CFP®, RLP®, CKA®, and I serve as a Senior Financial & Life Advisor at LifeGuide Financial Advisors, based in Mechanicsburg, PA. 

Over more than two decades in the industry, I’ve seen first-hand the unique challenges Christians in business face. Whether you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, executive, or leader, I know how difficult it can be to reconcile the needs, complexities, and overall cultural pull of a for-profit business with the desire to honor God and live as a faithful steward.  

While the challenges faced are not for the faint of heart, the Kingdom opportunities are immense!  

As a Christian in business, you have tremendous potential to make an eternal Kingdom impact on your family, employees, and community.  

Whether you’re launching or selling a business, bringing on additional partners, planning to retire, or navigating any of a million other challenges, we’re here to help you coordinate all aspects of your financial life so you can focus on what’s most important. 

At LifeGuide, we provide comprehensive, biblically based Financial Life Planning, Investment Management, and Survivor Assistance services. Whatever your role, we’re here to help you align your faith and finances, and answer pressing questions, such as: 

  • How can I honor God with our business and impact my employees, customers, and the communities we serve? 

  • How do I ensure my spouse and kids don’t feel like I’m prioritizing the business over our family? 

  • How do I plan for the tax implications of a business sale? What are some strategies for minimizing taxes at the time of sale? 

  • How do I create a more mission-driven business?  

  • How can I better integrate my faith into my work life? 

  • How do I prepare, motivate, and transition to the next generation of leadership? 

  • How much is “enough?”  

  • How do I plan financially for the ups and downs of the business?

Q&A with Brien Lasse  

Q: What do you do, exactly?  

A: The short answer is that I help families achieve financial peace, freedom, and eternal impact.  

The slightly longer answer is that I help people in general—and Christian business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders in particular—align their faith and finances so they can live the kind of life God has uniquely created them to live.  

Our firm, LifeGuide Financial Advisors, partners with our clients by providing ongoing biblically based Financial Life Planning, Investment Management, and Survivor Assistance services. 

By helping our clients bring into focus the life they truly want and developing a comprehensive plan to get them there, we find this often delivers the focus and energy they need to take action and make lasting changes! 

Q: Why focus on Christian business owners, entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders?  

A: Because Christians in business have enormous opportunity to make a Kingdom impact! 

While they have unique and complex financial challenges, Christians in business leadership roles are also uniquely positioned to make a massive difference in countless lives. 

Too often, Christian business owners and leaders get “stuck” in the day-to-day needs of businesses—their tasks, responsibilities, initiatives, etc. The reality is that businesses and careers can be greedy. If we are not careful, they can consume us and the ones we love by causing us to chase promises they simply can’t keep.   

Yet here’s the good news: The business owners, executives, leaders, and entrepreneurs we work with usually have more options than they think. They just need a partner who can objectively show them what steps they can take to actively shape their careers and align their life around what’s most important to them. 

Q: What is the biggest misconception about what you do?  

A: That we are only investment managers. And I can’t blame people—the industry has historically been focused on selling products rather than providing sound, holistic advice. 

While we do manage assets for almost all our clients, we view investments as a tool. They’re simply a means by which we can implement our clients' financial plans. We are holistic financial planners at heart. We start and end with our clients’ financial plans that include all aspects of their financial picture, from their businesses, to real estate, to taxes, to executive benefits, and beyond.  

Q: If you could only give one piece of advice, what would it be?  

A: Redefine your time horizon. As Christians, we’re called to store our treasures in heaven! So, if you’re simply focusing on the next 5, 10, or even 40 years, your time horizon is too short. Extend your aim beyond the here and now set your aim on the eternal, and then watch as God does more through you, your life, and your business than you could ever imagine. 

Who is LifeGuide?  

At LifeGuide, we take a counter-cultural approach to financial advising based on Jesus’ highly practical financial teachings. We are a NAPFA-certified fee-only, fiduciary firm and embrace a dedicated team-based approach to financial planning. To learn more about our services, fees, and approach, or to schedule a complimentary Exploration Meeting, visit our website at LifeGuide Financial Advisors is a registered investment advisor. 



400 W Main Street

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055


(717) 796 - 1700




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