Giving Tuesday: Faith-Based Causes to Consider Supporting

This time of the year is unprecedented when it comes to the amount of resources that Americans disburse for consumption. But if there’s one thing that can slice through the consumerism of our western culture, it’s the Gospel.

When it comes to our stewardship, we should enjoy the things that we’re managing (including gifts and presents). And yet, we also need to constantly be aware of the needs and people around us. We need to be quick to step, and give, in those vulnerable places. Because if not us, then who will?

We need to show up and be the ambassadors of Christ that we’re called to be.

There are a lot of great causes out there, both faith-based and non faith-based. But I think one of the key reasons to support faith-based organizations is that they are constantly including the Gospel and bringing it back to Christ.

Our advisors have compiled some worthy, faith-based causes to consider supporting this holiday season but do keep in mind their needs are are year-round.

Causes to consider supporting

Connected Families

Ben Wacek on the impact of Connected Families

One of the organizations Bekah and I support is Connected Families. Connected Families is an organization that helps parents to parent with confidence and lead their family with grace. The resources provided are biblically based and help parents get at the heart of their children rather than just aim to modify behavior.

Bekah and I recently went through their "Discipline that Connects" 8-week online course and learned not only a biblical framework for parenting, but also many practical parenting tips that we use often.

You can support Connected Families by clicking here.

Help One Now & Food for the Poor

Deborah Meyer on the impact of Help One Now & Food for the Poor

One of the organizations my husband Bryan and I support is Help One Now. They empower families in 7 developing countries (primarily Africa) through entrepreneurship, education, and restorative care. Help One Now calls a wide circle of individuals, businesses, churches and communities who believe that we can build a better world together. We collectively use our gifts, talents, passions and resources to help end extreme poverty.

You can support Help One Now by clicking here.

Bryan and I also support Food for the Poor.

Although Food For The Poor began in 1982 (my birth year), we were just introduced to it last year at church. The missionary showed us a piece of sod and explained that some families in Latin America eat the sod because they lack access to clean water and food. It helped us see how much we take for granted in the U.S.

Food for the Poor is an interdenominational Christian ministry that serves the poor in 17 countries throughout the Caribbean and Latin America. They provide food, housing, healthcare, education, fresh water, emergency relief, and micro-enterprise solutions.

One of the reasons we love this organization is because it is built on compassion and motivated by love. It’s a sacrificial love that embraces all people — regardless of race or religion. We believe that we can show His love by serving the “least of these” on this earth as Christ challenged us to do in Matthew 25.

You can support Food for the Poor by clicking here.

People/Missionaries, Churches, & the Christian Relief Fund

Christopher Wells on the impact of supporting people, missionaries, churches, and the Christian Relief Fund

Lindsey and I try to financially support people and organizations that have a deliberate focus on furthering the gospel. The greatest thing we, only through God, can share with others is the good news of the Gospel - the living water and bread of life.

A lot of time, this looks like giving to the local church specifically to contribute to our missionaries, or other mission programs through the church. This can also look like giving to missionaries which can happen in a number of ways: directly, through the church, or through sending ministries/organizations.

Finally, we love to give directly to people in need in our community. It is a great open door to present the gospel when you meet somebody's financial or physical need. We see this in 1 John 1:4 , "We love because he first loved us." Jesus generously gave up everything for us and we get to participate in that to show others that love.

My wife and I also have a tradition of supporting a child that is the same age as our daughter (and later future kids), and we go through the Christian Relief Fund for that, again because they have the focus of sharing the gospel with the sponsored children.

When in doubt be sure to ask your church and missionaries of their biggest needs in order to see if you can support them in a specific way.

You can support the Christian Relief Fund by clicking here.

The Global Orphan Project, CarePortal, and GOEX

Donovan Brooks on the impact of the Global Orphan Project, CarePortal, and GOEX

Our church has been heavily involved with the Global Orphan Project for some time. The Global Orphan Project exists to break the orphan cycle through the power of community, commerce and the love of Jesus. Most of us probably take for granted having a family and a home to call ours but he harsh reality is that there are countless orphans throughout the world. Every child needs, and deserves, a family and a home yet it’s still an unfortunate reality for many kids around the world. I often think about if my own kids happened to be orphans and it completely wrecks me.

Through preventative measures, local and relevant care, and an emphasis on transitions the Global Orphan Project is able to change the trajectory of the lives of many. The Global Orphan Project is able to make a meaningful impact through:

CarePortal: a platform that connects those that have needs with those that have the resources, and

GOEX: a fair trade apparel company that provides strong jobs, thereby improving the lives of the workers and the surrounding communities.

You can support, or get involved with, the Global Orphan Project, CarePortal, and GOEX by clicking here.


Our advisors hope you have a wonderful holiday season this year, especially with all that has happened. We hope that you spend quality time with family and friends, enjoy the abundance that you may have, and truly take in the advent season and Christmas.

While you do that, please don’t forget to give your abundant resources to those who do not share the same position as you. Consider giving money, time, and expertise. There’s always work to be done and lives that need hope.

How will you impact lives and advance the Gospel this holiday season?

'As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life. '

1 Timothy 6:17-19 (ESV)

Donovan Brooks, CFP®, CKA®

Donovan Brooks is founder and financial planner of Prospurpose Wealth which is an independent, fee-only financial planning firm that serves clients nationwide. Donovan provides financial planning and investment management services to Millennial Christians that desire to become better stewards with their money by aligning their personal finances with their faith. You can find his faith-driven content over at


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